Monday 20 February 2017

Some bodybuilding tips for everyone ( especially for beginners)

Some Bodybuilding Tips For Everyone (Especially For Beginners) :-

Look first, for getting a perfectly toned body, you doesn't rely on vigorous workout and steroids ... It primarily depends on the right techniques ...

Here are some tips for everyone ... 👇👇👇

1. Select A Well-Equipped Gym ...

Picking a well-equipped gym with good variety of equipments and plenty of free weights, is one the most important aspects for building body ... While choosing a gym look into various features like atmosphere, location, timming, people, cleanliness and price ...

2. Choose A Bodybuilding Idol ...

Choosing a bodybuilder as an idol, is one the best way to keep you motivated throughout the process ... Choose an idol, it can be anyone a bodybuilder, power lifter, an athlete or a person who has inspired you for bodybuilding ...

3. Get A Training Partner For Better Results ...

There are many advantages to have a training partner ... You have somebody on hand to spot you when you are lifting heavy weights and when you're feeling like forcing out extra reps ... A training partner who helps you make faster and better progress is a good one ...

A training partner should be able to motivate you much more than you could motivate yourself ... Choose a reliable training partner, when you need him/her he/she should be there when you need him/her and the same goes for you too ... When you're starting out, training partner is good to be there because you can correct each other's form and your can push each other to new limits ... You and your training partner should create your own little world ... You and your training partner can feed off each other's energy, creating the kind of intensity that will push you beyond your limits ...

A training partner can be beneficial to keep you motivated and to help you achieve your goals ... Your training partner should care about your efforts and will be there, providing support, energy and motivation when you really need it ... So find a training partner, and have a healthy competition with him for your progress ...

4. Listen To Your Body ...

Before taking up challenges, your mind must be trained and developed along with the body ... If you think you can, then you can ... Positive expectations will allow you to grow and develop ... Your mind is created like your body, step by step ... There's no point in working out if your body's telling you to rest ... If you don't feel like going to gym don't go it is simple as that, do something else and go to gym next day when you have more energy to pump some weights ... Think positive and remember that an active body is a healthy body ...

5. Stretching Is Important ...

Always make a point to stretch after each workout session, Stretching allows the muscles to recover quicker, decreases post workout swelling, helps maintain flexibility and helps prevent injury ... Don't bounce when you stretch because this can lead to injury ... Warm your bodypart before strecthing it ...

6. Breathe Well ...

Proper breathing is very important while training ... Breathing supplies oxygen to the muscle cells, which is necessary for muscle contraction, and helps deliver energy and build the muscle ... Exhale when you lift the weight ... Inhale when you lower it ...

7. Sleep Well ...

Sleep is one of the most important factors in recovery and growth ... Try to sleep at least seven-eight hours every night ... Take a little nap during the day if possible ... Not enough sleep may lead to overtraining ...

9. Balanced Diet ...

Consuming a well balanced diet is an important aspect during bodybuilding session ... Take proper nutrition pre and post workout and throughout the day ... Include lots of protein and carb in your diet ... Eat potatoes, rice, chicken, turkey, tuna, pasta, lean red meat and egg to get your protein and carbs. Take carbs right after your workout, take for example a carb drink, banana or rice cakes ... The bigger you get, the more calories you're going to have to take in ... If you want to gain weight you're going to have to eat more calories than you're burning ... Reduce fat, sugar and salt usage ... Choose low-fat or non-fat products ... Remember to drink lots of water during the day, increase your water intake on training days ... I know it can be very hard to change you eating habits but if you want to lose fat and gain muscle it is easier to do it this way ...

10. Always Avoid Overtraining ...

Some symptons of overtraining :- reduced appetite, having trouble getting to sleep, getting colds, your body is more sore and tired than usually in the days following training, concentration problems, stagnated training poundages and reduced enthusiasm for training ... 
Factors behind overtraining :- you're skipping meals, you're not sleeping well, you have some financial problems or you're having relationship problem ... Or maybe you're just doing too many workouts, exercises, sets and reps or having a bad exercise style ...
Symptoms can be in-or-out-of-the-gym factors ... 
When you notice the signs of overtraining ... Stay out of the gym for a couple of days or even a week or two ... Rest and sleep, remember to eat well, reduce your work sets when you're back in the gym and go to gym less often ...

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate what u did brother☺����
