Sunday 15 January 2017



Workouts or training :-

Endomorphs mainly need to focus on dropping the pounds of fat accumulated in their cells. They need to lift heavy weights because lifting small weights doesn’t help them in losing fat so easily. However, they should continue in lifting heavy weights only if they feel comfortable. They need to gain muscle growth and lose weight at the mid-section of the body with effective exercise to reduce tummy. So, working on cardio exercise will fetch them maximum benefits as the main goal of endos is to burn calories.

Exercising your body must be restricted to one hour or less else you might end up over training your body or some other side effects in the chain. Recommended numbers of sets for this body type are 9 and not more than that. Just as in the case of ectomorphs, endomorphs also need to choose exercises that help them work all parts of the body. You can try circuit training thrice a week as it helps in full body strength training. High intensity of cardio exercises for about 20 minutes twice a week is a must to burn maximum fat. Fast paced walking on a treadmill including spinning and step class exercises are a must to cut your weight.

Diet plans :-

These people need to concentrate on burning huge amount of fats in their body. They need to increase the intake of fiber rich foods and natural protein foods that help them in reducing the calories in their body and enhance lean muscle mass. They need to avoid junk and fried foods and replace them with healthy drinks and plenty of water. Limit your fat intake to around 20% of total caloric value.

The endomorph body type diet should include carbohydrates like grains, fruits, oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes etc., Take 5 to 6 meals a day which boosts up your metabolic behaviour. Implementing such diet would really help endomorphs to gain a good shape and body.

Presented a sample meal plan for the endomorph body type :-

Breakfast – Egg whites and vegetables omelette (61 calories) + 1 apple (52 calories)

Midmorning Snack – Greek yogurt with strawberries (136 calories)

Lunch – Whole grain pasta (174 calories) + grilled chicken breast (141 calories)

Evening Snack – 1 pear (96 calories) + handful of almonds (92 calories)

Dinner – Brown rice (332 calories) + stir-fried vegetables (122 calories)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks man for such an amazing tips๐Ÿ–’๐Ÿ–’
