Sunday 15 January 2017



Workout or training :- 

Training for mesomorph body type should be hard and heavy as they already possess a muscular body and have enough stamina. Boot camp training, yoga, Pilates, basic calisthenic exercises list and step classes can be considered some of the best workout plans for mesomorphs. Mesomorphs’ trying out circuit training seems great as it helps in building strength and stamina more effectively than building muscles which are not a necessary regimen for mesomorphs.

For weight training, try to initially work out with light and moderate lifts if you are a newbie and do no more than 3 exercises for each body part thrice in a week. For each exercise, you can do 3 to 4 sets which help you in giving a toned look. You can plan your workout for about an hour and resting for 30 seconds to 1 minute after completing each set is a must. You need to keep on changing the intensity of the exercises you do which helps you turn your body into perfect shape rather than bulk type. Running, skipping, strip sets and force sets techniques can be included in your smart workout.

Diet plans :-

There are not any major challenges for a mesomorph in taking a healthy diet. All they have to do is to maintain a balanced diet like a 1200 cal meal plan with 40% carbs, 30- 40% lean protein and 20- 30% fats.  You need to maintain a regular intake of 500 calories of diet over your maintenance levels, and if you want to lose weight in necessary conditions you can reduce the calorie intake by 200- 500 calories per day.

 More carbohydrates from dried fruits, oatmeal, potatoes and other foods can be easily obtained. To include healthy fats increase the intake of nuts, flaxseed oil, olive oil, avocados and etc., in your diet.

Pesented a sample meal plan for mesomorph body type :-

Breakfast – A bowl of oatmeal with fresh or frozen berries (161 calories) + 2 Boiled eggs (156 calories)

Midmorning Snack – 2 Rice Cakes with peanut spread (214 calories) + 1 Glass of skimmed milk (83 calories)

Lunch – Grilled chicken breast (141 calories) + salad made with quinoa, leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers and mushrooms (430 calories)

Evening snack – Cottage cheese with fresh fruits (219 calories)

Dinner – Baked sweet potato (90 calories) + stir-fried chicken and vegetables (439 calories)

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